Gus really enjoyed creating his Artist Trading Cards--he tried several different designs before he settled on this pastel colored background with truck drawn on top. We mailed them all off today so hopefully our swap partners will get them soon. Gus is very excited to receive his in the mail, and one of his swap partners is in Brazil and he's really excited about that.
Thanks so much to wisecraft and house on hill road for what must have been an amazing amount of work organizing this swap!
In other letter-writing news some of you may remember that I gave Gus a stationary notebook for Christmas complete with stationary (one of my friends gave him Snoopy paper that he loves). Well the other day I saw him get out some of his paper and write a letter to one of his friends in Austin. He asked a few times how to spell a word here or there, but mostly wrote the whole thing himself. He would not let me look at it, but sealed it all up with stamp and name on the envelope and asked me to mail it!
Isn't that adorable? I have a hard time letting some of these things go...I want to save them for myself, but I went ahead and sent it.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Writing a letter -- on paper !!! -- is so cool. I'm afraid kids these days are gonna bypass the whole letter writing thing and go straight to typing email on the computer.
Posted by: Marie | March 02, 2009 at 12:19 AM
So sweet! I love that the Snoopy stationary got new life after sitting in my drawers for years. This makes me so happy.
Posted by: rachel | March 09, 2009 at 05:25 PM