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April 15, 2009


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Gretchen French

After 3 children I have had my fill of unsolicited advice and "helpful" comments. You know your own child better than anyone else does. Do what you feel comfortable doing and what your child needs you to do.
Those wonderful close moments don't last very long. When my 8 year old (80lb, 5ft tall) wants to sit on my lap, it's a big logistical deal, but he still needs mom occasionally. I always tell myself that the "commenters" are just jealous!


very well said! i am a new reader of your blog, and i am so happy to find a kindred spirit.


Hi there! I got your blog link today on Kids Craft Weekly - so glad to meet you. I think you and I have lots of the same kind of parenting philosophies. I wore my toddler in an Ergo on my back at the Zoo yesterday and I'm sure there were some who wanted to make the same, um, "observation."

I'm so glad to have found you today. I look forward to hearing more from you!

A Magical Childhood

My neck hurts too much to keep my youngest (nearly 2) in his pouch any more but I miss it! I don't know why people are in such a hurry to make their own kids grow up, much less other people's. You're doing a great public service for mamas coming behind you though! And a great service to your little one, of course. :)

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