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May 18, 2009


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kristin n

you could record all the plastic AND you could also record all the things you use in place of plastic (where plastic is an option but you chose otherwise). it is important to remember the positives as well - maybe even more so - they keep you rollin'.

on the decision-making front: are you considering fears that may be present in relation to your different choices? sometimes fears can be easy to realize and some are much more difficult to notice lurking in the back of your head. they may be difficult to notice, but they are very powerful. are there fears and if there are, what can you do to address them? does that change how you feel about any of the options? thinking of you...


Hugs and good luck with the big decision! I love that Gus made a funky toothfairy pillow. xox


i don't think the tooth fairy will miss that pillow! we always got a dollar. myles, who is a pansy, thinks that losing teeth is the worst thing in the world and proposes giving $20 for the pain and suffering. that won't be happening in our house!

hugs to you on decisionmaking. i'm thinking of you!

Cecania Tallmadge

Something nontraditional doesn't hurt at all, since it lets your creativity unfold, and judging by the looks of it, Gus totally liked it! Speaking of rewards, you could try getting him a toy he likes, maybe that will suffice.

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