The really modern five year old texts with his dad...while they are sitting side by side.
This sweet little birds nest is in the newspaper box under out mailbox; a terrible place for a birds nest if I've ever seen one. For a few days every time I went to check the mail a bird flew out at top speed squawking at me. That has stopped and I think the nest has been abandoned. We'll wait a few more weeks to make sure and then see if we can remove the nest intact for study.
Abe on a recent walk, mastering the Snack Trap.
I am planning a great write up of our first week of "Summer Camp: Home Edition"; last summer Gus was in camp almost every week. He absolutely loved it but it was really expensive, involved a lot of driving, and of course didn't provide that "lazy summer" feeling. So this year I didn't sign him up for any camps at all. We've got the pool, free bowling, and together he and I came up with a list of "camp" topics, one a week. I get different books from the library, we do projects, and if there is something reasonably close to go see or do (that's related) we do that too. It's very low-key with the emphasis on fun learning. I am asking him to write and illustrate one entry in his journal each week, to keep his writing skills progressing. I don't tell him what to write about but I'm hoping he'll pick something related to "camp" at least once or twice because I think that would be cool.
This week was weather, and I found two really great books at the library that have provided a lot of fun and interesting information and great projects (easy too!). More tomorrow.
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