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February 10, 2010


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Tina Engberg

Love it!

kristin n

This is a really fun set of pictures!

I had no idea you'd never been sledding - elis don't use dining hall trays for that? You and I need to go on vacation in a winter wonderland and tear up some hills. Have you been ice skating, snowshoeing, skiing?? Dude - we really need to hit the snow sometime.

It was also comforting to see that you are still really good at handling situations that require urgency without your brain turning into some void where only panic and comedy can come together.

Again, love the pics!

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The Latest 6 Year Old Saying

  • She doesn't like to ambulate quickly. (Talking about one of our chickens.)

The Latest 2 Year Old Saying

  • Abe climb out own crib by self!

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