One of the best things about little kids is that they don't know how things are "supposed" to be done and so they do, if they are left alone, what they think up themselves. I think kids learn so much by trying stuff out, and trying to do things that we adults are just sure can't be done. We're probably right, we've got a lot of experience after all, but how much more satisfying for a kid to have his idea taken seriously and to have the chance to try it out and to learn for himself whether or not it works!
Whenever I can I like to provide things for my kids to work with and then just see what they pull out and what they make. Gus has made all kinds of things just from paper, cardboard, and a couple of markers, including a really fantastic treasure map! The other day I saw him take out his markers and a little canvas and create a new piece for his museum.
At two and a half Abe likes to write "notes" to all the important people in his life, and he really, really likes playdoh. He has a set of clay working tools, but prefers to fashion his own.
He really concentrates and sometimes spends twenty or thirty minutes quietly working on making something.
Here he is proudly showing off his creation, which he brought me and said "Abe make a Handful!". No grown-up would ever come up with that.
love it!
Posted by: Rachel | December 08, 2010 at 11:17 AM